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Research & Economic Development

Staff Directory


Michael Doyle VP for Research & Economic Development 575-835-5646 R & ED Brown Hall 200C mike.doyle@fast-thales.net
Carlos Rey Romero Associate VP of Research & Economic Development Acting Director of PRTC 505-554-7063 R & ED Brown Hall 200E Carlos.Romero@fast-thales.net 
Gina Chavez Administrative Assistant 575-835-5646 R & ED Brown Hall 200D Gina.Chavez@fast-thales.net 
Judith McShannon Manager of Research Development 575-517-6430 R & ED Brown Hall 200F Judith.McShannon@fast-thales.net
Lorie Liebrock Director of Cybersecurity Ctr. of Excellence 575-835-6729 R & ED Cramer 210B Lorie.Liebrock@fast-thales.net
Myrriah Tomar Executive Director of Office of Innovation Commercialization 575-835-5438 R & ED Cramer 118 Myrriah.Tomar@fast-thales.net
Matthew Gallegos Executive Director, Southwest Innovation Alliance 505-321-0806 R & ED ABQ Office Matthew.Gallegos@fast-thales.net
VACANT Director, Natioal Cave & Karst Research Institute 575-887-5517 R & ED Carlsbad Office
Patricia Landavazo Director of Finance & Business Operations 575-835-5496 R & ED Brown Hall 103 Patricia.Landavazo@fast-thales.net
Michael A. Chavez Machine Shop 575-835-5543 R & ED Workman Center 121 redshop@fast-thales.net
Michael Smith Director, ICASA 575-835-5231 R & ED ROB msmith@icasa.fast-thales.net
Mikell Coleman Director of Compliance 575-418-7155 R & ED ROB 116 Mikell.Coleman@fast-thales.net